Following is the fourth of weekly devotionals that will be posted throughout the Lenten season. May these reflections encourage and help you as you repent, reflect, and prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Thank you to Melissa Lowther for today’s post.   Read: Romans 7:14-25a Addiction can sometimes take predictable forms
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When I was in college, I went on the first of several short-term mission trips. As is often the case in short-term trips, my impact on the country I served was rather limited…but its impact on me was profound. One of my biggest take-aways was on the power of prayer.
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Pastor Bobby continued in our Genesis series yesterday and preached from Genesis 4 about Cain and Abel. We learned that Cain was only sorry for himself, not truly repentant for what he had done. Tim Keller wrote this article about repentance, which is helpful as we continue to reflect on how
Jeneil Russell is a mother of a child with special needs. Jeneil was also a volunteer at the recent event we hosted at our church, Night to Shine, a prom night for people with special needs, sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation. Read Jeneil’s touching experience here on her blog, Rhema’s Hope.
In the interest of trying to keep everyone in the church on top of the kinds of things the Elders are discussing and acting on, here are three things we talked about at our meeting on February 22nd: 1. Gospel Renewal – You have probably noticed a buzz about a
Following is the third of weekly devotionals that will be posted throughout the Lenten season. May these reflections encourage and help you as you repent, reflect, and prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Thank you to Natalie Crowson for today’s post.   But now that you have been set free from
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Membership can be a pretty good deal. Whether at a health club, professional society, or warehouse club, membership status provides access to special discounts, exclusive events, and many other perks. Membership is enticing and rewarding. Earlier this year I became a member of NSCBC. Another gainful membership, right? Well, yes,
Repent. Reflect. Prepare. The 2016 Lenten prayer stations are now open! We invite you to set aside some time to come to the church and spend time in guided prayer. What are the Lenten prayer stations? There are seven interactive stations set up around the church that we hope will
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