Passage: Psalm 13 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary There are over forty psalms of lament, and these very human psalms teach us how to “answer God” when we face the inevitable pain that life brings. When facing pain and despair, some bottle their pain in
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Now is a time for solidarity At the opening of Acts, an intriguing line describes the first Christians. “They sold whatever they owned and pooled their resources so that each person’s need was met.” (Acts 2:42) As my small group read Luke and Acts these last three weeks, we wondered
Passage: Psalm 19 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary Part of “learning Christ” as his disciple involves learning how to answer God in prayer, on the basis of how he’s revealed himself. In Psalm 19, David looks out into God’s creation, then down into Scripture, and
In challenging times it is easy to focus on what is scarce,  but in a video reflection below from Sarah Bartley see how she has been pointed to God’s abundant generosity in the past few weeks and challenged to respond in worship. Psalm 100 The Message 1-2  On your
Passage: Psalm 1 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary Sometimes our circumstances lead us into deeper reflection on the kind of life that’s truly worth living. Many of the Psalms were compiled during such a time, while Israel was in a “forced time out” in exile
Many of us are experiencing that stay-at-home life is not as restful as we first thought it might be. Some are balancing working from home, homeschooling, and mounting housekeeping tasks. Others are less “busy” but still anxious and unsettled in their hearts. Our Director of Worship Ministries, Brittany Casey, compiled
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Passage: Psalm 16 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary We all have the need for some kind of “refuge” in life. Practically speaking, whatever or whoever we look to for ultimate security, contentment, and fulfillment in life is what we are taking refuge in. We should
Good Friday is a special day in the church calendar when we focus on the hours leading up to Jesus death on a cross outside Jerusalem around 2000 years ago. A helpful way churches do this is by looking at seven passages of scripture describing that day and what Jesus