Our times back in the States are so rich. We look forward to the dialogue and fresh perspective that comes from talking with engaged Christians! We love sharing about the islands, of course, but even more we love getting people thinking about how the islands have something to teach the
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In early October, Hurricane Matthew blew through the Caribbean, leaving devastation in Haiti and major damage in Cuba. The event was called the “largest humanitarian event” in Haiti since the 2010 earthquake. (Learn more) NSCBC member and elder Mark Fitzgerald is responding with his foundation, Project Espwa. Since founding Project
In yesterday’s sermon, Pastor Bobby told the story of the healing of ten lepers from Luke 17, and how one received a deeper healing when he came back to praise and thank Jesus. This pointed out the desire in all of us for healing – within ourselves, among others, and
The election has been over for more than a week now. As we continue to process the outcome and consider how we as Christians should respond, we offer this article from Timothy Tennent, a former NSCBC member and current President of Asbury Theological Seminary. It offers a hopeful outlook on our influence
Thanksgiving is a time of year when we can invite others into our homes and share a bit of our lives. It’s a great opportunity to talk about God’s faithfulness and goodness in your life over the last year. Check out this article from Verge for some additional ideas for how
We live in turbulent times. The recent election has polarized communities and even families. Protests arise in city-centers. Pundits try to make sense of voter turnout and failed polls. And on a local level, everyone seems a little less comfortable and willing to make eye-contact. Where is the church in
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“Hi, how are ya?”  has become the new “Hello.” But too often when we say this, we are not necessarily wanting to know how someone is and we may not even wait for a response. How often do we just talk about nothing and “shoot the breeze”? How much more
We live in a context where the wider community does not always share our basic Christian beliefs and values. We have many friends, family-members, and co-workers who are either suspicious or apathetic towards the truth-claims of the Gospel. Culturally speaking, we are increasingly marginalized in the media, politics, and educational