As we begin a new year, we begin a new sermon series at NSCBC. Throughout January and part of February 2017, Pastor Bobby will be speaking from Ecclesiastes. In a culture that prizes authenticity and reality TV, Ecclesiastes is relentlessly honest in its appraisal of life. Life is a gift
“…where morning dawns and evening fades you call forth songs of joy.” —Psalm 65:8 As many of our brothers and sisters at NSCBC know, on October 22, 2016 we lost our youngest son to metastatic adenocarcinoma pancreatic cancer at the age of 39. I believe that, since we arrived here
We’re always looking for creative ways to tell the Christmas story. Take a look at this emoji Christmas video! What are other ways you’ve told this timeless story?
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“What does your faith have to do with how you approach your day-to-day tasks at work?” This question was posed to a guest speaker in our Sunday School class about the integration of faith and work recently. “I have more hope for people than I might otherwise,” he replied. “My
This past Sunday, our Advent focus was on love. Church attenders, Robert Gould & Sherry Roe-Gould shared about how Christ’s love has impacted their lives: especially Robert’s work in science and their family’s passion for opening their home to others. They also shared these beautiful song lyrics. Listen to the song “Labor
Our twice-monthly Elder meetings always have full agendas with lots to cover, but one standing agenda item continually blesses these (long) evenings together: our devotional time. Devotional topics lately have discussed and explored servant leadership in the church, reminded us of our adoption through Christ and its implications, and recently explored “life
Our times back in the States are so rich. We look forward to the dialogue and fresh perspective that comes from talking with engaged Christians! We love sharing about the islands, of course, but even more we love getting people thinking about how the islands have something to teach the
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In early October, Hurricane Matthew blew through the Caribbean, leaving devastation in Haiti and major damage in Cuba. The event was called the “largest humanitarian event” in Haiti since the 2010 earthquake. (Learn more) NSCBC member and elder Mark Fitzgerald is responding with his foundation, Project Espwa. Since founding Project