Moving to the North Shore almost two years ago I felt lonely and overwhelmed as a mom of a newborn and a toddler. I needed friends, support, encouragement, wisdom and time to myself. Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) provided each of these for me and I am very thankful for this
Getting to be involved in Youth Ministry is one of the greatest joys and honors God has given to us. Speaking personally, my favorite part of Youth Ministry is the relational aspect. I love getting to know the students, getting to walk by their sides during some of the most
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Last week, we talked about helping your kids start the school year well. Along those lines, parents usually want to know how their kids’ school day was when they get home. But, when parents ask “So how was school today?” the response is often a one-word “fine.” Here are 25 Ways to Ask
It’s just around the corner: “the most wonderful time of the year”…back to school. Sports, youth group, Awana, Sunday School, curriculum nights, small groups, scouts, and many other activities are also starting up. All that empty space on the calendar seems to fill up too quickly. Summer – that welcome
In yesterday’s sermon, Pastor Bobby spoke from 1 Peter 5 about leadership and how humility is (or should be) one of the key marks of a Christian leader. Humility is like our clothing – it should go with us everywhere and it should be one of the main things that
“Apatheism” is a new term describing people who are apathetic about matters of God/spirituality. Additionally, those who are apatheists don’t actually care about other people’s religion either. But, apatheists aren’t necessarily atheists; they could even be Christians. Jonathan Rauch, journalist and apatheist, coined and explains this concept in this article. This
The Lord’s Supper (or Communion) is when we take time each month to reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf and remember his great love for and forgiveness to us. We are currently in the midst of a series of monthly posts during which we are exploring the depth of
We often hear that prayer is a two-way street and that through prayer we commune with God. Then we sometimes find ourselves offering to the Lord only requests and self-centered petitions in prayer. Tim Keller shares in this article how the Gospel changes our prayer lives. “The gospel means that we are
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