
Our vision is to see a gospel movement on the North Shore.

We believe that this will happen through the lives of transformed disciples who make disciples.

What is a Disciple?

A disciple is someone who is created by the gospel to learn Christ and lead others to do the same, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Characteristics of a Disciple

At NSCBC, we’re looking to develop disciples who are growing in these characteristics:

Experiencing Renewal

The gospel doctrines of sin and grace are actually experienced, not just known intellectually

Applying the Gospel

Have a growing understanding of the gospel narrative, and how to apply it to the issues of their everyday life and world

Forming Friendships

Are forming deep, meaningful, and honest friendships, both inside and outside of the church

Living on Mission

Have a growing awareness of the everyday settings where God has placed them for mission and are intentionally trying to live as a witness for Christ there

Multiplying Your faith

Are engaged in intentionally leading others to live as gospel-centered disciples, either formally or informally

Pathways to help you explore how you might develop each of these characteristics in your own life.​