Sunday Gatherings
We gather every Sunday to worship God through song and prayer, hear teaching from the Bible, and be sent out in the power of the Spirit.
Visitor Info
Plan Your Visit
Hello! When you visit, look for a member of our greeting team wearing a lanyard. These folks are here to help you find your way.
Service Schedule
We gather in two identical services at
9:15am and 11:00am each Sunday.
During the summer (Memorial Day – Labor Day), we have one service at 10:00am.
Our services are approximately 75 minutes long with about 30 minutes of biblical teaching.
Directions and Parking
We aim to make our services accessible for all. We have assisted listening devices, a separate care room overlooking the sanctuary for families or people with sensory needs, a nursing mothers room with video feed, and handicap access from the parking lot to the main sanctuary. Email us for special concerns or requests.
We livestream our services on our YouTube page for those unable to attend in person. Please fill out a livestream registration form so we can know you are here!
Coffee Fellowship
Join us between services (or after the service during the summer) for coffee in the Family Room (gym). This is an informal way to get to know folks in the community and the coffee is free!
Info for Families
We strive to make a welcoming and safe environment for children to learn about God and develop a faith they can grow into.
Nursery (All Services)
Your babies and toddlers (up to age 2.5) will receive excellent care in our Nursery to learn over time that the church is a trustworthy place to be.
First Service (9:15am, Summers at 10:00am)
Preschool Worship is designed to meet the needs of young kids (ages 2.5-4.5) in a safe and loving environment where they can grow to trust the church as a fun and comfortable environment. Children attend during the entire 9:15 worship service.
Children’s Worship is a special time of worship during the 1st service for children age 4.5 through 2nd grade. Kids start in the sanctuary and then are invited downstairs to Friendship Hall partway through the service, where they will worship, pray, and learn together in engaging, fun ways, using “The Biggest Story” curriculum for the teaching, games, and craft time.
Second Service (11:00am)
The first ministry of NSCBC was a Sunday school program almost 200 years ago. We are proud to continue in this mission to impart faith to the next generation.
Brite is designed to help nurture resilient disciples who can say:
- I believe in Jesus.
- I’m becoming more like him.
- I belong to him forever.
Protecting our Children
We strive to make a welcoming and safe environment for children to learn about God and develop lasting faith. We have a check-in/check-out procedure and train our volunteers in safety. We run background checks on all our volunteers and require two adults present at all times with children. For questions regarding the safety of our children, please reach out to our Minister of Children and Families.
Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
Psalm 34:8
Worship Service FAQs
Visiting a church for the first time can be intimidating. We get that. Here are a few common questions.
Some people come in jeans and t-shirts, while others wear suits and ties. Come in whatever makes you feel comfortable. There is no dress code to worship the living God! (Do wear clothes, though.)
Each week we enter into worship through a theistic theme–a quality or attribute of God through which we worship. This thematic posture helps us keep our focus on God.
Our musical worship contains both organ-led hymns of praise as well as contemporary praise and worship led by our worship band.
We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of every month. All who seek to follow Jesus, however imperfectly, are invited to the table. You need not belong to a particular denomination or be a member of the church to take communion.
If you are exploring faith but have yet to follow Jesus fully, you are welcome to come forward to receive a blessing from the communion server or remain in your seat during communion.
Membership is not required for participation in the life of NSCBC.
We do however encourage people who are a regular part of our community to consider becoming members. While you can certainly belong here without becoming a member, a member is someone who formally commits themselves to our church family. Even if you are only going to be in the area for a short time, we hope you would invest in the community through this formal commitment. By expressing our commitment to the church we are expressing our love and care for the people in it.
The Shape of our Liturgy
Our liturgy (meaning ‘work of the people’) is a drama that unfolds in four acts, a pattern rooted in the historic worship of the church for over 2000 years.
How can a relationship between a holy God and sinful people like us possible? The beauty of the gospel (“good news”) is that God makes this possible through faith in Jesus Christ! God draws us to himself, and we respond in praise.
God has something to say to us, today! God speaks through his Word as it is read among us and interpreted through the sermon. His Word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12).
As we receive from God, we then respond in prayer, song, and trust. God offers himself to us, and we offer ourselves back to him. On the first Sunday of each month, we also respond by coming to the Lord’s table for communion.
Our worship flows into the rest of our lives at the moment of benediction. We receive a blessing from the pastor and are reminded to carry God’s love into every area in which we live, work, learn, and play.
'Till we cast our crowns before thee
Lost in wonder, love, and praise!
from 'Love Divine, All Loves Excelling' , Charles Wesley (1747)
Our Convictions and Values
Here are a few things that we think about as we plan our worship services.
Worship is an engagement with God on the terms that he proposes and in the way he alone makes possible. In short, it’s not about us! We participate and join in the worship already going on in all creation and throughout all time.
Worship is the arena in which God meets us in our everyday moments. For that reason, we seek to contextualize our worship by drawing from ancient hymns, modern praise and worship, and many things in between. We believe we can use the music of the whole church for the sake of the whole world.
Worship can and should be deeply personal, but it is also done within the context of a community. In an increasingly individualistic society we believe that our worship on the Lord’s day is meant to be with our brothers and sisters, for our mutual encouragement.
“What then shall we say, brothers and sisters? When you come together, each of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Everything must be done so that the church may be built up.” (1 Cor 14:26)
God created us not as brains on sticks but with bodies. In an increasingly virtual world, we believe that worship works best when we participate with our whole selves. Singing, standing, raising hands, receiving communion and prayer are all embodied practices the church has done for thousands of years.
While we do provide a livestream for those who cannot physically attend worship, it is not a replacement for our in person Sunday gathering. This is a valued service to the shut-ins within our community.
Above all sing spiritually. Have an eye to God in every word you sing. Aim at pleasing Him more than yourself, or any other creature.
John Wesley, from 'Seven Rules for Congregational Singing'
Songs we sing at NSCBC
Interested in Getting Involved?
If you call NSCBC your church home and have been attending for at least three months, serving on Sundays is a great way to go deeper!