Service and Outreach
Find a place to serve
'You are the body of Christ. Each one of you is a part of it.'
– 1 Corinthians 12:27
For the body to function well, all parts need to have the opportunity to live as disciples inside and outside the church. Below are the ways you can get involved in our local church body, and contribute to it functioning well!
Sunday Morning Teams
Hospitality Team

A cup of coffee is how many people first feel connected at NSCBC. Coffee setup and teardown helps with practical logistical needs but ultimately helps us become a welcoming and hospitable church for all. Serving here typically involves a once-a-month commitment.
Connect Team

Our connect team is dedicated to making every visitor feel at home from the moment they arrive. Our ushers and greeters are here to provide a warm greeting, answer any questions, and make sure our guests and visitors can find their way.
Worship Service Teams

We value a diversity of voices to represent our church from the platform on Sunday mornings. If you are interested in reading scripture, serving communion (NSCBC membership required), serving in the worship band or choir, or on the tech team, there is a place for you.
Care and Service
Congregational Care

Our deacons organize care from within our community for the practical and physical needs of our community.
- Meal trains for new births, adoptions, illness, recovery
- Visitation to sick or homebound
- Oversee benevolence requests and disbursements
To get involved in these hands-on ministries of the church, please contact the deacons.
Seasonal and Project Based

Many ministries happen seasonally or as needed when events arise. If you are interested in being on a list of folks that help out occasionally in areas like facilities, memorial services, or ministry to those in Essex County, fill out the form below and a ministry leader will be in contact to get you connected!
Family Ministries
Children's Ministry
Join us in fostering intergenerational connections and discipleship, helping children grow in faith alongside the whole church community.
Youth Ministry
Serve in Youth Ministry at NSCBC and help shape the most formative years of faith for our teens.
Elected Administrative Positions
Our church follows a “congregation-affirmed, pastor-led, elder-governed, deacon-served, policy-based” framework. Together with the Senior Pastor, the Elder Board forms a plurality of leaders sharing as overseers of the Church.
Each year in preparation for our annual meeting, congregation members are selected for the following administrative roles. If you would like to get involved in any of these roles, you must be a member in good standing. Email with any questions.
The purpose of an Elder at NSCBC is to pray for the congregation, oversee the spiritual needs of the church body, decide the direction of the church through producing, authorizing policy, advise the Senior Pastor, arbitrate disputes, discipline members, as well as act on financial matters, legal functions, and communicate with other elected committees, and the congregation.
The purpose of the Deacon -at-Large position at NSCBC is to: pray for the congregation, serve the needs of the church body, monitor the practical and physical needs of the body, advise the Elders on annual goals and budget, and guide decisions related to personnel, facilities, technology, and finances. The following responsibilities are split between the Deacon-at-Large members in a way which respects the gifts, experiences, and time of each person on the team.
The purpose of the Nominating committee is to discern who would serve the church well in the elected roles of Elder, Deacon-at-Large, Auditor, and Nominating Committee member. They must communicate with all stakeholders well. They must prepare a ballot for the congregation to vote on at church business meetings.
The purpose of the Audit Committee position at NSCBC is to annually review the financial records of NSCBC and report on the findings to the Finance Committee and Elder board as well as provide recommendations.
Serving our Community
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship
– Romans 12:1
We are called simultaneously to serve our neighbors and local communities, while also serving people from different cultures and countries in order to advance God’s rule and kingdom in people’s lives.
We seek to extend God’s kingdom through a variety of local and global evangelistic efforts, by promoting social concern and justice, sending out ministry teams, and supporting organizations and career missionaries in keeping with the beliefs, vision, purposes and values of our church.

Our church swap shop is open during regular office hours and on Sunday mornings before and after the worship services. We always need help organizing clothes and keeping this space presentable for our guests. No junk for Jesus!
Downtown Dinner

Every night in Beverly, a warm meal is provided for those in need. NSCBC prepares and serves that meal on the fourth Wednesday of every month at the Living Faith United Methodist Church on Dane Street. To learn more and get involved in cooking, serving, or interacting with guests, contact Nanette or Jim Maden
Evening Service

The Evening Service is an accessible worship service held on the first and third Sunday of each month either in-person or on Zoom. We seek to bring together people of all physical, cognitive, social and economic abilities to love God and love each other.
Night to Shine

Every year in February we host an unforgettable prom night experience, centered on God’s love, for people with special needs, ages 14 and older. Sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation at North Shore Community Baptist Church.
This event takes hundreds of volunteers and is one of the highlights of our ministry year together. Check back here in the winter for ways you can get involved.
Shine On

We continue building relationships with our guests from Night to Shine with seasonal events throughout the year.
Outreach Ministries Fund

The Outreach Ministries Fund, or OMF, is earmarked for evangelism or social service needs, both local and worldwide. Grants can be made to meet a program’s critical need, provide funds for a new project, or towards facilities improvements. The Fund’s gifts towards social service needs are to be in support of community-oriented projects.
Maddie Hutchison
Office Manager
Contact Me