Give us Your Heart

Director of Worship Ministries Brittany Casey reflects on why “Give us your heart” was such an appropriate song for us to sing as a church on Vision Sunday

Video – Give Us Your Heart

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Make us like you Lord

This past Sunday we prayerfully took our goals and vision to the Lord during a special service we called “Vision Sunday” (click here to see the Vision Sunday homepage). Thinking about making 100 disciples and planting a church in the next 3-5 years is exciting but can also sound a bit daunting. How are we going to do this? I think it starts with asking God to give us His heart.

As we sang these words during the song “Give Us Your Heart”, it was such a great reminder to me that we first need to seek transformation in ourselves before we can expect to see transformation around us on the North Shore. We need Christ to realign our hearts with His. When that happens, then we start to desire what He desires, seek after what He seeks, and grieve for what grieves Him. That’s what we’re asking when we sing the line “Make us like You Lord”, that we would become more and more like Christ.

My Prayer

Crying out for God’s heart means asking Him to break our hearts for what breaks His. I’m personally very convicted by that. Does my heart truly break for the lostness I see all around me? If it did, then wouldn’t I have a renewed sense of urgency and boldness to go out and make disciples? That change of heart can only truly happen through the grace and power of Christ.

Let me invite you to spend a few minutes reading and praying through some of the lyrics from the song “Give Us Your Heart” below as we continue to seek after Christ and ask Him to give us His heart. Let us be encouraged that we aren’t called to this task on our own but are sent out with the Lord Jesus Christ Himself as He transforms our hearts to be like His.


Your eyes are on the lowly
Though others look away
Your feet run to the broken
Your hands are quick to save
Make us like you, Lord
You walk with the forgotten
And offer them a home
Adopting the unwanted
Calling them your own
Make us like you, Lord Make us like you Lord
Give us Your heart
O give us Your heart
Let the light of heaven shine
As we step into the dark
O give us your heart
O give us your heart
All to see the kingdom come
And death depart
Give us your heart
Give us your heart
You walk with the forgotten
And offer them a home
Adopting the unwanted
Calling them your own
Make us like you, Lord Make us like you Lord
Give us Your heart
O give us Your heart
Let the light of heaven shine
As we step into the dark
O give us your heart
O give us your heart
All to see the kingdom come
And death depart
Give us your heart
Give us your heart
Let justice flow
Like a river in the desert
Let the nations know
You will reign forever
As the Earth beholds
The glory of the Savior
Let justice flow

One 11 am service,
February 9th!

Hi NSCBC! Due to inclement weather, we will have 1 service tomorrow, February 9th, at 11 am. Stay safe and warm, and we'll see you at 11!