Radical Remix

Have you ever noticed how hard it is to communicate concepts or ideas without using traditional vocabulary long associated with those concepts? Or how hard it can be to wrap our minds around a vision or goal if it is not described in familiar terminology? Communities are often defined by their vocabulary. And those on…

The Unashamed Worker

In Matthew, Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14). Did you know that the probability of a person committing their life to Christ is highest between the ages of 5 and 12? We sometimes forget that children can…

The Youth Life

Getting to be involved in Youth Ministry is one of the greatest joys and honors God has given to us. Speaking personally, my favorite part of Youth Ministry is the relational aspect. I love getting to know the students, getting to walk by their sides during some of the most formative times of their lives,…

Apatheism: A New Approach to Spirituality

“Apatheism” is a new term describing people who are apathetic about matters of God/spirituality. Additionally, those who are apatheists don’t actually care about other people’s religion either. But, apatheists aren’t necessarily atheists; they could even be Christians. Jonathan Rauch, journalist and apatheist, coined and explains this concept in this article. This Sunday after the service we’ll…

Gospel-Influenced Prayer

We often hear that prayer is a two-way street and that through prayer we commune with God. Then we sometimes find ourselves offering to the Lord only requests and self-centered petitions in prayer. Tim Keller shares in this article how the Gospel changes our prayer lives. “The gospel means that we are not obeying God to get…

Proclaiming the Gospel to One Another

Tim Chester, pastor and author, has written this post about developing a gospel focus in our churches. He says that our church community – in order to grow and last – must be founded on Jesus Christ. “We don’t read the Bible simply to fill our minds, but to change our hearts. We don’t read the…

Sermon Scraps: Inside Out

Yesterday, Pastor Bobby mentioned the Pixar movie Inside Out in his sermon. Here is an article that further reflects on the movie and its Gospel implications. What other movies have you seen that teach aspects of the Gospel?

Ministering to Women in Prison

Three days a week, every week, inmates at the “Women in Transition” (WIT) minimum-security prison in Salisbury have the opportunity to hear the gospel and learn about God’s love, plan and way for them. Ladies arrive at WIT after having served most of their time at MCI-Framingham, Massachusetts’s primary women’s prison. Ninety-five percent of them…