“Would you pray about being recommended to be a deacon in our church?” I was asked about a year ago after I returned from my pilgrimage across Spain seeking God’s guidance for my life. See, I had just sent my firstborn off to college. (Yes, she’s only 2 miles from
When I first started as the worship team leader at NSCBC, my immediate goal was to modernize the songs that we sing on Sunday morning. I moved slowly, introducing one song each month and phasing out the older ones that had lost some life. I continued this practice for years,
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As we begin a new year, we begin a new sermon series at NSCBC. Throughout January and part of February 2017, Pastor Bobby will be speaking from Ecclesiastes. In a culture that prizes authenticity and reality TV, Ecclesiastes is relentlessly honest in its appraisal of life. Life is a gift
“…where morning dawns and evening fades you call forth songs of joy.” —Psalm 65:8 As many of our brothers and sisters at NSCBC know, on October 22, 2016 we lost our youngest son to metastatic adenocarcinoma pancreatic cancer at the age of 39. I believe that, since we arrived here
We’re always looking for creative ways to tell the Christmas story. Take a look at this emoji Christmas video! What are other ways you’ve told this timeless story?
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“What does your faith have to do with how you approach your day-to-day tasks at work?” This question was posed to a guest speaker in our Sunday School class about the integration of faith and work recently. “I have more hope for people than I might otherwise,” he replied. “My
This past Sunday, our Advent focus was on love. Church attenders, Robert Gould & Sherry Roe-Gould shared about how Christ’s love has impacted their lives: especially Robert’s work in science and their family’s passion for opening their home to others. They also shared these beautiful song lyrics. Listen to the song “Labor
Our twice-monthly Elder meetings always have full agendas with lots to cover, but one standing agenda item continually blesses these (long) evenings together: our devotional time. Devotional topics lately have discussed and explored servant leadership in the church, reminded us of our adoption through Christ and its implications, and recently explored “life