For the Elder Board it’s nice to deal with less-than-exciting “business as usual” from time to time. Last week’s Elder meeting was not that kind of meeting, and for some great reasons that we are excited to share. The evening’s agenda was full with an important cell tower update, youth group
Then the king will say to those at his right hand, “Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,
This recent political season and Sunday’s shooting in Orlando has found Christians described in the news most often by what they’re against: gun control, same-sex marriage, immigration, abortion, alcohol, etc. Imagine a conversation with a friend who asks “How come Christians are so often portrayed as those who are against
Many have been devastated by the news of those who were killed and wounded in Orlando during the nightclub shooting early Sunday morning, June 12. We mourn with those who lost loved ones and pray for physical and emotional healing for the others affected. North Shore Community Baptist Church is
Over the course of the last 30 days as we have followed this prayer guide we have asked God to work among the communities in which we live. And rightly so, for we know that the North Shore needs to wake up to the riches and wonder of Christ-for-us. And
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A recent Barna study suggests that among evangelicals, atheists, the LGBT community, Muslims, and Mormons, evangelicals are the most uncomfortable talking to these other groups. Read the findings here. This paragraph from the article captures the challenge: “Evangelicals seem to have a particularly difficult time talking to those outside their group.
The Lord’s Supper (or Communion) is when we take time each month to reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf and remember his great love for and forgiveness to us. We are currently in the midst of a series of monthly posts during which we are exploring the depth of
Yesterday, we continued in the series Ordinary Christians: Life Together on Mission. Pastor Bobby’s sermon emphasized that the Gospel not only gives us salvation, but it is the very  thing that helps us grow in Christ. It is through the Good News that we “get in” with God, but also